Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Vacation Survival Guide


It seems to be that time of year when people board planes for all-inclusive destinations and Caribbean cruises. For those of us left on the rock, we count down the days until our next get-away or plan our summer vacation. Whichever the case, a vacation is usually preceded and followed by a regime of unhealthy and unhelpful dieting efforts. Not only is 'yo-yo' eating not good for our bodies, it can create feelings of frustration, depression and sometimes cause people to weigh more than before dieting! Eating healthy, while still indulging moderately, during a vacation and all year round is really the key. Below, you’ll find a few simple healthy eating suggestions for when you're on your vacation to help you do just so.
  1. Plate your food according to your hands. This means a palm sized portion would each be appropriate for protein (e.g. meat, fish or poultry), and starch (e.g. bread, potato, pasta, rice) using fingers as fruits and vegetables. Keep condiments like dips to the size of your thumb and calorie laden oils and margarines to the thumb tip. Keep snacks, sweets and treats to about a handful.
  2. When at a buffet, always use the smallest plate. It's been proven the larger our plate the more likely we are to fill it with food! Try and wait about 20 minutes after the first plate before going back for more. If you're still hungry after this time, go back for more as this is your body's natural way of saying it's still hungry. Even with two small plates, you're probably likely to eat less than using the usual large buffet plate.
  3. Eat high fibre foods! Different and unique fruits and vegetables are often good opportunities to fill a sweet temptation and try something new. Don't forget to also choose whole grains. This fibre filling tip, along with the next, are great to help prevent the frequent and unwanted constipation occasionally associated with travel too.
  4. Watch your drinks! Alcohol is good for us in moderation, but in excess it obviously has the opposite effect. It can also add up as a source of empty calories very quickly (a small 6 oz pina colada can have about 500 calories). Water is the best thirst quencher. It's a good idea to try and drink more of this while on vacation for a couple reasons. Most of us don't drink enough in the run of a normal day, and when on vacation we tend to be on the go much more. Depending on the location, we may also be perspiring more so our bodies may actually need even more fluids. Try and drink water throughout the day, but also before and during meals, as it will not only help you to become full faster but also help to achieve optimal fluid intake.
  5. Use mindful eating tactics. Ask yourself is it your mind or stomach that is hungry. If it's the mind, go ahead and eat. Keep in mind, however, some people confuse hunger for thirst. This really isn't uncommon, and tends to lead to unnecessary calories consumed - another reason to try and drink some extra fluids before hitting the buffet table. Remember while on vacation, food is frequently available 24/7, so if it is a mind hunger, satisfy yourself with a small portion or snack and try to occupy your time with an activity until the regular mealtime.
  6. Go ahead and treat yourself! Moderation is key and those who tend to reward themselves with small portions of favourite foods will likely do much better on a healthy eating plan and maintain a healthy weight than those who deprive themselves.
    As seen in The Telegram April 18, 2011

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