Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Did you know in 2011 there will be more cases of prostate cancer diagnosed than breast cancer?
November is Movember. For those of you who don't know, it's a month for men around the world to
grow moustaches and raise awareness about male health, in particular for the prostate. Stats Canada
released a report just a few days ago letting us know cancer has become the leading cause of death in
every province across our nation. It has surpassed heart disease. Prostate cancer, along with along
with lung, colon and breast are among the top four. To aid the efforts of Movember, (since I won't be
growing moustache!) here's the need to know on eating well to protecting your prostate against cancer.

Eat tomatoes! That's right. Any kind counts. Fresh, canned, frozen, whole, chopped and even pureed. Tomatoes and other red orange fruits and vegetables (think watermelon, apricots, pink grapefruit and papaya) are high in a special type of antioxidant called lycopene. It's a powerful protector for the prostate, and other cancers too. What's unique about this antioxidant is that processed foods have more lycopene that our bodies can use! Canned tomato sauce, pureed tomatoes, tomato soup and juice, even pizza sauce and ketchup can be sources. When these foods are heated, they have even more usable lycopene again. It's kinda contrary to what people normally think of as being the healthiest choice, i.e. Fresh and raw, and is a good example of how many different foods can have a place in our diet and be nutritious too. Remember processed doesn't always mean bad. It's just something that has been taken from it's original form and modified. (The nice thing about this is we can get canned tomato products around our province all year and it's something that often goes on sale too). You'll want to cook and eat these foods a couple times a week in order to reap the benefits here.

Foods that have the mineral selenium are also thought to be prostate cancer fighters. Selenium, is also an antioxidant, like the lycopene in tomatoes. Brazil nuts, fish (including cod, tuna, halibut, and salmon), whole grains, and wheat germ are all good sources. One serving for nuts would be a post it note, for fish, a deck of cards. Having meatless protein choices a couple times a week is also really good. Try a fortified soy beverage instead of milk and use tofu in replace of meat in stir-fries, casseroles and stews. Add beans and lentils to soups, salads and pasta sauces. It important to know that sometimes high doses of particular supplements can actually make cancer worse rather than better.

Bigger and more isn't always better! Foods should always be first and supplements reviewed by a
doctor. Carrying around excess weight we know is not good for cancer prevention and health overall.
Especially important is where we carry it too. Excess fat around the waist and upper body (which is
usually where men carry it) is a greater health concern than fat on hips and thighs. Are you not sure
if you need to lose weight? Measuring your waist is a good place to start. Find the halfway point
between your lowest rib and hip bone (it's usually around your belly button). Measure around your
belly here with a long tape. If you're a male and it's at or over 40 inches (102 cm) that's too big and it's putting you at risk for poor health. (For the females who want to do this at home too, it's 35 inches or 88 cm).

Prostate cancer is a disease that affects about one in seven men. One in three of all cancer cases are
preventable with reasonable and appropriate diets, physical activity and maintenance of appropriate
body weight. Take some preventative action steps to help reduce your risk and share your strategies
and tips with friends and family members. To learn more about Movember and to get involved visit

As seen in The Telegram November 7, 2011

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