Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Variety is the Spice in the Life

We often get stuck in a routine of eating the same things day in, day out. Eating the same potato and carrots, or salad every day can be boring and get old really fast. Next time you're strolling through the produce section of the grocery store, when you stumble across an unusually shaped or oddly coloured fruit or vegetable why not put it in the cart! Adding a little variety to the mix is a great way to get in an extra serving or two of the (much limited) fruit and vegetable group. The fruits and veggies listed below are probably not your refrigerator regulars, but go ahead anyway and pick one on your next trip. For people like myself, who go armed with a list, try planning ahead with a new recipe for one of the ingredients below.

Anise or Fennel- This versatile vegetable is often used in Italian dishes for its liquorice-like flavour. It is often used in place of celery and works well in sautés and salads.

Arugula- This leafy green can be a nice addition to pasta or essentially any mixed green salad as it has a mildy spicy flavor. Arugula is also know as rocket and high in vitamins A and C.

Bok Choy- Also known in our grocery stores as Chinese lettuce. This leafy vegetable is crunchy and great for stir-frys and sautés. It is a good source of calcium too.

Eggplant- Similar to zucchini, but somewhat dryer, this beautifully coloured vegetable works well in casseroles, lasagnas and stir-fry's.

Kale- Rich with antioxidants and beta carotene, kale can be used in place of spinach for lasagnes or salads. The leaves can also be baked into crunchy chips for snacking or incorporated into veggie soups.

Okra- Is very easy to incorporate into classic vegetable medleys. It works well with tomatoes, eggplant and corn. Briefly stir-frying slices will keep pods intact and prevent it from getting slimy.

Starfruit- This star-like shaped exotic fruit is a big hit with both young and old and can be a neat addition to fruit salads. They have a texture similar to grapes and can be eaten with their skins.

Figs- With a sweetness much like honey, figs are a good source of calcium and are a great take along snack to accompany other fruits and nuts.

Mangoes- With a creamy texture and strong aroma, mangoes are rich with vitamins A, C and beta carotene. When purchasing look for an orange to red coloured skin as these ones are usually the
tastiest and easiest to eat.

Papayas- Popular in tropical fruit salads, papayas are an excellent source of folate and vitamin A. They have a subtle sweetness unlike any other fruit. Look for one that's firm with unblemished skin.

Passionfruit- This tiny treasure is a native to Brazil. It has an intense flavour and can be enjoyed on its own or as a tangy topping for frozen yogurt or in smoothies.

Dragonfruit- Also known as Pitahaya, is a mildly flavoured fruit. It can be quite expensive but its unique appearance is a sure conversation piece when added to fruit salads or displays. Try eating this exotic fruit alone or adding it to a fruit or leafy green and fruit salad.

I've seen all of the above, and a few odd more in our local stores – so in case you are wondering, yes they are available here! Next time you're in the store make it a point to pick up something new that you've never tired before. With all the new and different foods available it's almost hard not to really. Besides, how do you really know that you don't like something unless you try it?

As seen in The Telegram August 15, 2011

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